What We Do

Our Investments


We are invested in several crucial efforts and initiatives with an aim to leverage, sustain, and increase our impact. The areas of investment below are examples of how we have embraced our unique role as a county-wide convener and coordinator in the early childhood system of care.

We are committed to these investments and to exploring innovative and collaborative ways to improve how our systems operate. 

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African American Infant Mortality Prevention

Community-driven pilot projects and partnerships to tackle the high rates of infant mortality among the African American community in Fresno County.

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Direct Service Programs

Community-based partnerships to provide home visitation, parent-child developmental learning groups, family literacy, parenting education, mentorship, and other health, early learning, and direct supports to families across the county.

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Help Me Grow Fresno County

A coordinated system of services and assistance available to families to support the healthiest development of young children.

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Lighthouse for Children

An innovative community hub for Fresno County families and early childhood professionals offering services, resources, and opportunities to transform the first five years of a child’s life—the only facility of its kind in the county.

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Quality Counts California

A statewide Quality Rating and Improvement System providing support for families and early childhood educators to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early and school-age care and education programs.

Investing in Support

The following investment areas are guided by our values and the community engagement process. We work toward our mission by investing in families, communities, and systems.

Each of these areas is fundamentally related and represents key elements of a child’s life essential to their wellbeing.

Our primary goal, above all else, is helping Fresno County families thrive. To us, this looks like every family having the resources they need to support their child’s development, supporting children to grow up ready to succeed in school and in life.

Families flourish in safe, stable, and engaged neighborhoods. Strong communities provide the social support and environment needed to give children the best start possible.

Any successful approach to addressing the key challenges facing Fresno County families will require a systemic change. We see the system as the people, policies, and places representing each agency, organization, and business that serves Fresno County families.

From private businesses to community-based agencies, libraries to law enforcement, schools to hospitals, we all can make things work better for families.

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From private businesses to community-based agencies, libraries to law enforcement, schools to hospitals, we all can make things work better for families.

How Investment Leads to Action

First 5 Fresno County’s main goal, above all else, is helping our families thrive. In everything we do, we commit to honoring and supporting our families. Our vision, mission, and values reflect this commitment, and our investment areas and strategies are designed to convert our commitment into action.

Mother and daughter smiling and sitting on porch swing together

Investment Strategies

We will support families, communities, and systems through five primary strategies. These strategies may involve funding direct services and programs, convening community partners, and investing in systems improvement initiatives, or a combination of all.


We will pursue communication strategies to highlight the importance of early childhood development, and to ensure that young children and their families are connected to the services they need.


We will engage with decision-makers at all levels to promote family-centered policies that improve the well-being of children.


We will strengthen connections and information-sharing between community partners in all sectors, to ensure complimentary rather than duplicative service delivery.


We will support professionals and parents to ensure they have the knowledge, skills, and resources to effectively care for young children.

Innovation & Learning

We will seek out innovative and reflective approaches to confront persistent community challenges.

Funded Partners

First 5 Fresno County funds initiatives to extend knowledge, support, confidence, and resources to all families with young children. Together with our funded partners, we strive to ensure that success is within reach of all children in Fresno County and those who support them.

The following section includes a list of all First 5 Fresno County-funded initiatives that provide services to children and families.

Contracting Documents

First 5 Fresno County is dedicated to ensuring all funded partners receive the resources and assistance needed to successfully implement initiatives and services. Funded Partners can access a majority of the forms and documents to assist you in managing your First 5 Fresno County contract.

Contact your Contract Manager if you have any questions or concerns regarding First 5 Fresno County policies, requirements, and final contract determinations. We want to ensure we address any issues or concerns as soon as they arise to avoid interruption of services to young children and families. Your First 5 Fresno County Contract Manager will work closely with you to ease all challenges throughout the contract term.

Funded Partner Documents & Forms


Funding Opportunities

Our efforts focus on systems: the integration of people, policies, and places working for our children and families. Strengthening systems helps families thrive and makes each of our Proposition 10 funds go further. We continue investing in community organizations focused on early childhood through funding opportunities to cultivate thriving systems for young children and families. 

Current funding opportunities listed. Questions must be submitted via email to funding@first5fresno.org following the process and deadlines set forth in each individual funding opportunity.

Questions + Answers: Request for Applications (RFA) – Promoting Equity and Quality Across all Fresno County Early Learning and Care Settings
February 20, 2025
Request for Applications (RFA) – Promoting Equity & Quality Across all Fresno County Early Learning & Care Settings
April 2, 2025
FY 24-25 – Community Event Sponsorship Program
May 31, 2025

Past Funding Opportunities

We are no longer accepting applications for the following procurements. Any questions regarding closed but still active procurements must be submitted via email to funding@first5fresno.org following the process and deadlines set forth in each individual funding opportunity. Please click on the link to access the procurement document.

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